Andrew Rippon AI | Blockchain Transformation Consultant

+966 58 355 2213

Category: Blockchain Innovation


  • Blockchain technology in Government, now!

    Blockchain technology in Government, now!

    Anyone who has been reading my stuff or has worked with me will know, I am a massive proponent of blockchain technology in Government and Construction services, something to do with my work on the EBSI platform at the European Commission. Now my single issue view of the world boils down to this: creating trust… Read more

  • Hot Take: Blockchain to keep AI honest

    Hot Take: Blockchain to keep AI honest

    I would call this a signal of a sizeable opportunity.  I have Advocate for the power of blockchain to keep #AI #LLMs honest for a while and I believe in it. This research proves there is a way to go in adoption. See the survey in full below: Read more

  • AI and Blockchain

    This document I found on LinkedIn has an interesting fusion of AI and DLT to solve a pressing corporate problem. A similar approach can be used for supply chain, construction management and as an underlying automator to city management, as I have pushed for recently in the digital twin context. Read more

  • The case for Cross blockchain independence

    The case for Cross blockchain independence

    Does anyone remember AOL’s walled garden internet service or even Apple’s cutesy eWorld, with its simplistic town square analogy? I remember it well and it was not very exciting for long, unless you were styling it and accessing it through an Apple Newton as I did, major geek creds!  These, along with others, were attempts… Read more

  • Inter- government blockchain consortia can lead to a more seamless world

    Inter- government blockchain consortia can lead to a more seamless world

    The promise of the blockchain is all over the news these days. The explosion of interest has been such that even my spell checker has finally learned the word now! I subscribe absolutely to the mantra that with blockchain we are finally going to be able to remove paper and manual processes, as well as… Read more

  • Can we blockchain enable parlianmentary voting to protect government from terrorists?

    Can we blockchain enable parlianmentary voting to protect government from terrorists?

    The tragic and senseless events in London have sparked a thought about the security and resilience of national governments in a terrorist age. Firstly let me state my sympathies for the victims families and admiration for the security people involved. This was a malicious and premeditated attack on a central infrastructure of government. Clearly well… Read more

  • A blockchain for history

    A blockchain for history

    Introducing Block Patterns This is a call for participants in creating a blockchain implementation to record history immutably to eliminate negating revisionism for future generations. Would it not be positive for international relations if historical events could be immutably recorded for posterity? Capitalism, communism, nazism and many other movements have bred their fair share of revisions of… Read more